

Uncle Drew

Top cast ; Kyrie Irving · Uncle Drew ; Arthur Jex · male drinking Pepsi Max ; AJ Littlejohn · Opposing Team Captain ; Maya Moore · Betty Lou ; Nate Robinson · Lights.

人氣爆棚!Kyrie Irving 確認「Uncle Drew」系列廣告將拍成電影

2017年2月17日 — 人氣爆棚!Kyrie Irving 確認「Uncle Drew」系列廣告將拍成電影: 更有「Uncle Drew」全明星特別篇和主題網站同步公開!

The Genius of Pepsi's Uncle Drew Commercial Campaign

2021年6月19日 — Kyrie Irving meets Pepsi and Prosthetics. A 19-year-old Kyrie Irving at the time of the Uncle Drew x Pepsi Max release, had worked on a broader ...

Uncle Drew

In 2012, PepsiCo embarked on an internet-based advertising campaign for Pepsi Max with the character Uncle Drew played by Kyrie Irving. The first ...


Topcast;KyrieIrving·UncleDrew;ArthurJex·maledrinkingPepsiMax;AJLittlejohn·OpposingTeamCaptain;MayaMoore·BettyLou;NateRobinson·Lights.,,,2017年2月17日—人氣爆棚!KyrieIrving確認「UncleDrew」系列廣告將拍成電影:更有「UncleDrew」全明星特別篇和主題網站同步公開!,2021年6月19日—KyrieIrvingmeetsPepsiandProsthetics.A19-year-oldKyrieIrvingatthetimeoftheUncleDrewxPepsiMaxrelease,hadworkedonabroader ...,In...